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Opening of the newly founded Agkairia Senior Citizen’s Activity Center

On Sunday 1st October, International Senior Citizen’s Day, at 19:30 the new Senior Citizen’s Activity Center in the Municipal District of Agkairia was officially inaugurated. After a benediction was performed Mayor Ragousis announced the center’s opening and thanked all who worked toward its completion. He stressed the importance of such centers to the local communities in that they offer the elderly care, companionship and creative as well as social activities. The President of the 1st SSAC (in Paroikia) Mr. Savvas Kalakonas also expressed his congratulations and support. The inauguration was followed by a lively reception with local musicians entertaining and delicacies provided by the center’s Directorial Committee.

As of Monday 2nd October the center is open 7 days per week from 08:00-12:00 and from 17:00-21:00.