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Home Care

The City of Paros and the Municipal Organisation for the Cultural Development of Paros are very sensitive to the needs of the elderly, motion impaired, chronically or terminally ill, and temporarily incapacitated members of our community. Understanding the risk those individuals face of social isolation as well as the economic challenges faced by their families in September of 2002 the “Home Care” programme was inaugurated with 75% of its funding provided by EEU resources and the other 25% by the Greek government.

The programme was put into action after the induction of the Municipal Organisation for Cultural Development into Measure 4.2 “Equal Opportunity Care Services” of the Southern Aegean 2002-2006. A four member team was formed; a licensed psychologist responsible for the structure, a registered nurse and two home care professionals. The Ministry of Health provided a utility vehicle to facilitate their activities throughout Paros.
The service provides for the psychological and physical health, survival and quality of life for residents of Paros in need. Namely:
Home Nursing – cleaning and dressing of wounds, services to the bed-ridden, intravenous medications and inoculations, supervision of pharmaceutical treatments, personal hygiene, training as regards health issues and much more.
Family Assistance – cleaning, running errands, preparation of meals, companionship, assistance with personal hygiene and much more.
Psychological and Social Support – personal counselling for individuals and their families, information regarding their rights and access to other sources of social welfare services.
Department for Health Equipment – lending of orthopaedic and other devices for the aid of individuals suffering from illness, age or disability (e.g. wheel chairs, braces and adjustable beds).

Since its first day of operation the “Home Care” service has assisted more than 234 individuals from all of the Municipal regions of Paros, some within communities others in isolated farm locations. On average the service provides assistance for approximately 80 individuals per month with that figure rising during the summer period.
The service’s primary target is to address the real and immediate needs of those individuals by application of a flexible programme of visitations that allows for the coverage of all of the regions of the island, where necessary on a daily basis, while maintaining the ability to answer urgent calls for assistance.

The programme, in cooperation with the Centre for the Day Care of the Elderly “H Agapi”., also provides laundry services for those who are unable to do their laundry themselves and the Civic and Ecclesiastic Organisation “Aghia Theoktisti” delivers meals to citizens in need. In coordination with the Regional Health and Welfare office those requiring the assistance of social workers are addressed and the Paros Medical Centre supervises the collection and dissemination of pharmaceuticals as well as orthopaedic and other devices.

The “Home Care” programme is yet another example of the importance of Local Administrative Autonomy, and the character of our community. The aim of this service is to provide the most comprehensive assistance possible to our fellow citizens in need, to improve the quality of life for them and their families.