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City of Paros Centre for Day Care of the Elderly “I AGAPI”

– The Centre has been in operation for 2 years.
– It cares for 34 Senior Citizens on a daily basis, exceeding its original goal.
– It provides the families of those individuals the ability to attend to their other necessary obligations or desired activities.
– The daily atmosphere is “homey” in a warm environment, while providing nursing services, psychological and emotional support, social interaction and creative activities to the individuals participating.
– Regular screenings of blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides are performed, to date a total of more than 2800 tests.
– Events have been held and others are being planned in the Centre for the entertainment, information as well as the religious needs of the participants.

The Centre operates on a 12 hour basis offering:
– Νursing Care (blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and triglyceride screening, the supervision of pharmaceutical therapies etc.)
– Psycho-emotional support. Creative activities in a warm and friendly environment.
– Information services regarding the health care options available to participants and their families for their better service, and transfer to the appropriate health services when required.
– Assistance with outside errands (i.e. grocery shopping, paying utility bills etc.)
– Relief for the families of the participants from the demands of constant home care.
– The Centre is also an active participant in the island’s recycling programme.

Sources of funding:
– 75% from the EEU Fund
– 25% from national resources

Under the aegis of the Southern Aegean Initiative 2000-2006